Minimum recommended:
- Memory: 1.5 GB
- Swap: 1 GB
- CPU: decent multicore
- Storage: The amount of hard disk space required largely depends on how many images you expect your users to upload.
It is possible to run a pod on a Raspberry Pi >= 2. However, this will be very slow and is not recommended for multi-user pods.
- Build tools - for compiling source packages
- Ruby - the Ruby programming language
- RubyGems - package manager for Ruby code libraries (like CPAN for Perl or PEAR for PHP)
- Bundler - gem management tool for Ruby projects
- MySQL or MariaDB or PostgreSQL - backend storage engine
- OpenSSL - encryption library.
- libcurl - multiprotocol file transfer library WARNING: Due to sidekiq longjmp error, you need at least curl 7.32
- ImageMagick - image processing library
- Git - version control system
- Redis - persistent key-value store
- one of the JavaScript runtimes on execjs' supported list.