
From diaspora* project wiki

Get the source

It's time to download Diaspora! As your diaspora user run:

cd ~
git clone -b master git://github.com/diaspora/diaspora.git
cd diaspora

Don't miss the cd diaspora, all coming commands expect to be run from that directory!


Copy files

Important values

Reverse Proxy


It's time to install the Ruby libraries required by Diaspora:

{{#var:env_string}}bundle install --without heroku test {{#ifeq {{#var:mode}}|development||development}}

This takes quite a while. You should get a green success message when it's finished, if that's no the case you should seek for help on the mailing list or the IRC channel.

Database setup

Double check your config/database.yml looks right and run:

{{#var:env_string}}bundle exec rake db:create db:schema:load

{{#ifeq |production|User:MrZYX/WIP:Installation/Assets|}}

Start Diaspora

Further Reading