Installation/Mac OS/Mavericks

From diaspora* project wiki
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NoteNote:This guide still needs to be rewritten for the new installation guides form


These instructions are for Mac OS X 10.9 (Mavericks). These instructions have also been tested on OS X 10.10.3 (Yosemite).

Package Management

Install Homebrew and then come back here.

Build Tools


xcode-select --install

or go to link below and download command line tools if above does not work:

xcode command line tools


To install MySQL, run the following:

brew install mysql

Add it to launchctl so it will start automatically:

ln -sfv /usr/local/opt/mysql/*.plist ~/Library/LaunchAgents
mysql.server start

Now mysql is running, and you have a user named root with no password.


To install ImageMagick, run the following:

brew install imagemagick --with-freetype --with-fontconfig

Make sure to add freetype and fontconfig switches, as they are needed for image captcha


To install Git, run the following:

brew install git

Pronto (Only for development)

The Rugged gem which is a dependency for Pronto, requires cmake:

brew install cmake


To install Redis, run the following:

brew install redis


RubyGems comes preinstalled. However, you might need to update it for use with the latest Bundler. To update RubyGems, run

sudo gem update --system


To install Bundler, run the following:

sudo gem install bundler

Congrats! You have all your dependencies installed. Go back to Notes On Installing and Running Diaspora.