
From diaspora* project wiki

Integrating Prosody with Diaspora

Here you will find all you need to install and setup a Prosody XMPP server integrated with Diaspora users database. This tutorial was developed using Debain 7 but it probably will work well for all GNU Distributions. There is several steps and configurations you will need to do, so watch it carefully.


The main goal is setup Prosody to be capable to compare the password received by the XMPP Client with the hashed password stored on Diaspora database. Diaspora password hash is done with bcrypt library, so we need to patch Prosody to do the same with the received password. To do so, we need to install a modified - mod_auth_sql module available below.

Follow the tutorial and this should work well.


Prosody is a modern XMPP communication server. It aims to be easy to set up and configure, and efficient with system resources. Additionally, for developers it aims to be easy to extend and give a flexible system on which to rapidly develop added functionality, or prototype new protocols.

Installing Prosody

To install Prosody follow the official instructions described on their official site - - Download

Once Prosody is installed ten you can proceed.

Setup prosody.cfg.lua

Separated by topics here you have what you need to do on this file:


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