How to report a bug

From diaspora* project wiki
(Redirected from How to Report a Bug)

Thank you for helping us make Diaspora better. :)
If you want to start contributing by fixing a bug, here is how to. If you found a bug and want to report it, this is the correct page.

If you’ve found an issue with an existing feature in Diaspora, you can either

  1. report it using Github issues,
  2. report it in a public post on Diaspora with the #bug hashtag.

Reporting security issues

If you want to inform us about any security exploits in Diaspora, please contact us privately by sending an email to, corresponding public key (keyID: 27AD886A).

Reporting a Bug on GitHub

  1. Register for an account on Github, if you don’t already have one.
  2. Search for similar issues. Perhaps someone has already reported your bug!
    If so, please add any new information or clarification to the existing issue, if you can.
  3. Create a new issue. If you don’t find any similar issues, you can report your bug via the “new issue” tab once you’ve logged in. Please, always include the pod you experienced the bug on and, if necessary, a link to the post that shows the symptoms or a screenshot showing what happened. Don’t be shy and specify as many details as possible -
    • what error message did you see,
    • did you publish a post publicly/to aspects,
    • were images attached to a post,
    • what pod is(are) the other user(s) on.
  4. Monitor your issue and respond to questions. It may be necessary to provide additional information upon request or you might be asked if the bug still occurs after a new release.
  5. Close your issue. In case you notice that the bug no longer occurs, you can close the issue yourself (don’t forget to add a note saying the issue is resolved).
    If you find out your bug is actually a duplicate of another bug and only notice that after you created it, please also close the issue you opened with a short reference to the existing issue (tip: if you use a # symbol followed by the number of the other issue, it will create a hyperlink to that issue).

Feature suggestions

NoteNote:Please don't use Github issues simply for suggesting a new feature.

If you have a feature idea, the best place to suggest it is diaspora* Discourse. You can also make a public post on Diaspora with the #feature hashtag.

In case you want to discuss your idea first, before "officially" posting it anywhere, you can always join us on IRC.