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Artist, Hip hop Rapper and RnB singer, song promoter, a Song writter,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,I'm from (Ugaga in Yala Local Govt. of Cross River State Nigeria) but Base in Lagos Nigeria, I am always, calm n calculated, an Artist, i love smart people, i love Singing, Dancing, reading novels & swimming. I like challenges n daring tasks'doubt it'. I respect those who respect mE & forget those who forget mE as simple as that. I treat everyone equally no matter who u are, I hate discrimination. Love mE or hate mE —uя choice. Take mE as I am or watch mE as I go

  • This is mE!! What you see is what u get

I love living @ the moment & therefore dislike things of the past. It's all about ●●mE●● deal with it. I don't care what you think about mE, I never think or say nothing about U. ●●mE & U●● we could make the world jealous. Everything I'm NOT makes mE everything that I am. They feel I'm proud- my pride is in my father in heaven. They say I'm no more the innocent child I was- we all have to grow up sometimes. They believe I try too hard- I know where I'm headed. Every single day, I work harder at becoming a better person. I look in the mirror every night & aspire to wake up in the next morning a better person than the one I see staring back at mE. I try but the fact remains that no matter how hard I try, I just can't please everyone. Granted, I make mistakes, I take wrong turns, but that's imperfection & that's what make mE human. No matter what anyone says, I'm proud of the decisions I make, I don't regret the actions I take not necessarily because I don't care, but because I know I'm different. I was born to be the most perfect person on earth (including U too) because no such person exist. I was born to be mE & that's who I am. I speak the truth & sometimes its not what U want to hear, I'm a very realist person. Lmao never U cross mE else it would be uя bitter experience with U & Sky, itz not a threat but a sign of warning. I fucking hate liars<<< damn U uя only deceiving urself by telling lies to uя ass not mE. I cheated on my fears, broke up with my doubts, got engaged to my faith & now am marrying my dreams. I take responsibility for wot I say but noT responsible for wot U understand. U will never find another mE, just incase u were searching. ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥